Seafun is a dark green liquid composed of pure natural seaweed extract, high quality water soluble nutrition and EDTA chelated micronutrients. With patented multi-step enzymatic extraction method, our seaweed extract is consistant with high content of seaweed active substances.
Alginic acid, organic matter, N, P2O5, K2O, EDTA-Fe, EDTA-Cu, EDTA-Zn, EDTA-Mn
Seawin Alginic Acid:
Alginic acid serves an important role in plant rigidity while submerged in seawater. lt also helps with the uptake of carbohydrates along the plant vascular tissues. With these properties, it helps with reducing the effects of biotic and abiotic stresses.
Brown seaweed also contains glycine betaine.Glycine betaine is a major osmolyte controlling water movement in and out of plant cells. It plays a major role in assisting plants to cope with environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, extreme temperatures and frost.
The alginic acid and amino acids are food sources for benefi- cial microbes in the soil which perform many crucial functions including making nutrients available to plants. In addition, these act as chelating agents for the micronutrients. There- fore nutrients are then more readily absorbed by the plant.
- Contains lginic acid, a natural chelating agent and bio-stimulant
- Balanced macro and micro nutrients
Foliar Spray:1-2 L/ha
Drip Irrigation: 2-4 L/ha .
Can be used alone or compounded with chemical fertilizers. A compatibility test is strongly suggested to make sure no flocculation or sediment occurs.