Fulmax 260 is composed of natural seaweed extract , high content small molecular peptide, amino acid and Mg, Fe nutrition, can promote plant growth, promote photosynthesis to prevent and correct yellowing problems.
Amino Acid ------------ 260g/L
Organic Matter ------------ 200g/L
Seaweed Extract -----------100g/L
N ------------ 100g/L
K2O ------------- 25g/L
Product Features:
High Content of small molecular peptide, amino acid and seaweed extract
Integrated biostimulants for better synergistic effect
In rich of chelated Mg, Fe Nutrition
Product Efficacy:
Stimulate crops growth and enhance resistance to stress
Effectively alleviate the stress effect of pesticides on crops
Improve crop absorption of nutrition, increase fertilizer utilization rate
Promote photosynthesis, prevent and correct yellowing problem, improve quality and increase yield
Foliar Spray:1-5L/ha
For application suggestions specific to your crop, please contact your local agronomist
Seawinner innovative solutions are developped to increase quality and quantity of crops. Plants with better roots, growing with greater vigour, able to thrive against abiotic stress; plants that are more productive, producing crops that matures more quickly and contains more nutritions for consumers.
All formulations are attested by numerous agronomic tests and a vast amount of data collected from all four corners of the planet.
All achieved using natural active substances, fully respecting the environment and human health.
Seawinner has created a line of specific formulations of rapidly absorbed nutrients based on environment friendly, to provide plant organisms with all the elements they need to grow stronger.