All star contains multiple biostimulants, synergetic with each other, forms a healthy cycle among crop, fertilizer and soil environment.
Seaweed Polysaccharides 100g/L, Amino Acid 50g/L , Alginic Acid 50g/L,
Organic Matter 200g/L, Fulvic Acid 100g/L , γ-PGA 10g/L,
N 50g/L, Ca 3000ppm, Mg 2000ppm, PGR 2000ppm
- Activate endogenous growth factors
- Improve fertilizer utilizaton rate
- Improve crop quality and increase yield
- Enhance plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress
--Seaweed Polysaccharides/Alginic Acid: Unique enzymatic extraction with patented technology-high level of active ingredients retained, which has outstanding effect on promoting growth, improving the resistance to abiotic stresses.
--Amino Acid: Using advanced enzymolysis technology, light weight molecules to provide bio-stimulant properties
-- Compared to ordinary fulvic acid fertilizers:
1. Enhanced nutrient content: This fertilizer product contains not only fulvic acid but also other beneficial components such as seaweed polysaccharides, amino acids, and organic matter. These additional nutrients can improve plant growth and development.
2. Improved nutrient absorption: Fulvic acid, Seaweed Polysaccharides/Alginic Acid, present in this product, help in chelating essential nutrients, making them more available for plants to absorb. This can enhance nutrient uptake efficiency and lead to better overall plant health.
3. Increased plant growth and yield: The presence of γ-PGA (Polyglutamic acid) can promote plant growth and yield. It acts as a natural biostimulant, enhancing the physiological activities of plants and improving their productivity.
4. Balanced micronutrient supply: The elevated levels of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in this fertilizer product can provide balanced micronutrient supply to plants. These elements are essential for various metabolic processes in plants and contribute to overall plant vigor.
5. Plant growth regulation: The inclusion of a plant growth regulator (PGR) in this product can help in managing plant growth by influencing various physiological processes such as cell division, elongation, and differentiation. This can result in improved plant structure and development.